In the front row of chairs are baskets with small ribbons. If you would like special prayers at the altar during Communion at Sunday services, bring a ribbon with you. Fr. Harvey or Dcn. Terry will offer a quick prayer. Please return the ribbon afterwards!
We also offer prayers for healing after the 10:00 service. If you would like to receive prayers for yourself or for a loved one, please go to the altar after the service to meet One of the trained members of the Healing Prayer Team. The usher or clergyperson can point you in the right direction if you need to know who they are. If you would like to join the team of those who offer healing prayers, please let Fr. Harvey know. Thanks!!
We also offer prayers for healing after the 10:00 service. If you would like to receive prayers for yourself or for a loved one, please go to the altar after the service to meet One of the trained members of the Healing Prayer Team. The usher or clergyperson can point you in the right direction if you need to know who they are. If you would like to join the team of those who offer healing prayers, please let Fr. Harvey know. Thanks!!
Friday Noontime Healing Eucharist
We have a dedicated healing service on Fridays at 12:00 beginning. In addition to the readings assigned for the day, an informal, conversational sermon about the saint of the day, and Eucharist, participants will have an opportunity to receive special healing prayers and an anointing with holy oil. After the service, stick around for Bible Study if you like. Please join us, and help spread the word!
Healing from Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is only too common. Whether this is something that plagues your family history, a new onset due to an injury, or a means of escaping painful realities of life, this is a real pandemic that is taking the lives of our young and old alike. Prescription drugs are beneficial as controlled substances for pain relief; however, when one falls victim to the "uncontrolled', this relief becomes an addiction. You are not alone; there are resources that can help. At St. David's, please know that our healing ministry is here for you and/or a loved one. Please contact our office to inquire about meeting with our healing team; everything is kept confidential. Twelve Step Groups including OA, NA, and Al-Anon meet in our building and welcome new members. Also, and Intelligent are organizations that specializes in substance abuse. Don't wait, don't hesitate - it could be too late! Get help now.
Additional resources: - Prescription and drug addiction and abuse.
Also, for Free On-Line Therapy, check out the links below:
Additional resources: - Prescription and drug addiction and abuse.
Also, for Free On-Line Therapy, check out the links below:
Intelligent - an organization that focuses on high-risk substances of abuse awareness for college students, and treatment options available. They cover which "substances pose the greatest risks to young adults, the potential consequences of being caught, and how to get better. If you’re a student struggling with substance abuse, you can get help even while you attend school."
To find out more information, please visit their website: Addiction Recovery During Higher Education - Intelligent